Monday, August 3, 2009

I Hate Barack Obama

Yes, I said it. I fucking hate him, and I voted for him. Everybody gets so squeamish about this subject, and don't get me wrong... I really think it was a victory to see a non white person elected to the office of president; but let's face the facts. THE MAN IS A PUPPET OF INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND CORPORATE BUSINESS! I was promised radical change, not a mortgage on my country and a multi-trillion dollar hand out to the already richest people in the world! It's fucking bull shit and I hate it.

I'm sorry America, but you've been bamboozled! This man has been bought and paid for by the International Banking Cartel, the same people who have engineered our current "economic crisis" and essentially been responsible for every major war in the past 300 years (at least.) I know this sounds like a rant or "crack pot shit" to most people, and I am getting off subject... If you'd like a deeper understanding of what and who really runs our country I'd recommend some of the following documentaries:

Here are the three issues I voted for Obama on and how he has let me down:

1. The War in the Middle East: Doesn't anybody else remember Obama saying he would end the war? So far he's sent more troops and has the war in Iraq scheduled to end in December of 2011... just in time to get re-elected. Also, there is absolutely no time table for afghanistan, a country that has never been successfully occupied in the past 3000 years. War is horrible and no one wants it, it's archaic and never solves anything.

2. Human Rights: I really like how Obama announced he was closing guantanamo on his first day in office to much fan fare, then quietly withdrew the statement a few months later.... Slick. Our country still tortures, our country continues to violates constitutional rights, our country continues to spy on it's own people.,... How's is this a "Change?"

3. Health Care: Where the fuck is my socialized healthcare!!!! I demand it now!!!! and if you believe that people in the U.K., Japan, Germany, France, Canada, and every other first world country have lower quality healthcare than we do, you are an idiot. The idea that socialized healthcare is a bad idea is a concept perpetuated by GUESS WHO.... DRUG AND MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANIES! The people who profit from human suffering. We still aren't going to get a decent healthcare system that cuts out the corporate middle men. I recommend marrying a canadian.

Well, I guess anything is better than this dumbass bear couch having cunt.

If it wasn't Illegal to say(?) that I would choke Obama out, I would totally say that I would choke Obama out. Barack Obama I FUCKING HATE YOU!

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