Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Hate Lady Gaga

First and foremost, where did this bitch even come from? It's like I woke up one morning and her dim eyed half smile was plastered on every bill board and magazine in the western hemisphere. I'm not going to bother to do any research about you Lady Gaga, but I will assume that you are from the midwest and that your parents are first cousins. Here are some questions I need answered:

1) When did you first know that you were a woman trapped in a man's body trapped in a woman's body?

2) Who has been a bigger influence on your fashion sense? Ru Paul, Divine, or Tammy Faye Baker?

3) Do you have any advice for young people who are completely devoid of talent looking to make it in the entertainment industry?

4) Why are you completely incapable of wearing pants? Is there a name for this condition?

5) What made you decide to become a contestant on "Real Chance of Love 2"?

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